The Accuracy of Photogrammetry vs. Hands-on Measurement Techniques used in Accident Reconstruction
The Accuracy of Photogrammetry vs. Hands-on Measurement Techniques used in Accident Reconstruction
04/12/2010 | Bryan Randles, Biomechanical Research & Testing; Brian Jones, Elliott & Jones LLC; Judson Welcher and Thomas Szabo, Biomechanical Research & Testing; David Elliott, Elliott & Jones LLC; and Cameron MacAdams, Elliott & Jones, LLC
SAE 2010-01-0065
Applications: All and Forensics & Accident Recon.
A study was conducted to assess the relative accuracy of two measurement techniques commonly used for vehicle measurements in damaged-based accident reconstruction. The traditional technique of hands-on measurement was compared with the use of photogrammetry for measurement of targeted damaged vehicles. Three undamaged vehicles were subjected to 4 impacts, resulting in 4 damaged areas (two front, one side and one rear).