The Variation Measurement of a Slope By Photogrammetry
The Variation Measurement of a Slope By Photogrammetry
07/01/2007 | Shun-Kung Chang, Fu-Jong Liang, Der-Her Lee
Proceedings of the Sixteenth (2007) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1-6, 2007
Applications: All, Engineering & Science, Geology & Mining, and Surveying
Slope failures and landslides associated with earthquakes and typhoons are major natural hazards on Taiwan’s mountain highways. This paper attempts to apply photogrammetry techniques to carry out a speedy in-situ survey. We first create the three-dimensional (3D) model of a brick wall and validate that the average error is 0.28 mm in the measured distance. Afterward, the same measurement procedures are applied to an in-situ mudstone slope. The average error in the estimated distance is 0.41cm. Therefore, the investigating result guarantees the accuracy of applying Photogrammetry to investigate the geometry of in-situ failed slope. (the local copy is the first page).