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Photogrammetry and Dense Stereo Matching Approach Applied to the Documentation of the Cultural Heritage Site of Kilwa (Saudi Arabia)

Photogrammetry and Dense Stereo Matching Approach Applied to the Documentation of the Cultural Heritage Site of Kilwa (Saudi Arabia)
10/11/2009 | J. F. Hullo, P. Grussenmeyer, S. Fares; Photogrammetry and Geomatics Group, INSA Strasbourg; HiSCANT Group, University of Nancy, France
22nd CIPA Symposium, October 11-15, 2009, Kyoto, Japan
Applications: All and Archaeology

Since a couple of years, several commercial solutions of dense stereo matching have been developed. This process offers a really cheap, flexible and accurate solution to get 3D point clouds and textured models. The calibration of the camera allows a subpixellar correlation for correctly textured objects. In order to define the limits of such a process for cultural heritage applications, the Photomodeler Scanner software has been tested on an archaeological site.

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