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79 articles listed in reverse chronological order. View articles by field type using links on the right.

Even Photogrammetry Needs a Vacation…. yeah right
10/08/2016 | Stuart Roberts
LiDAR Magazine
Applications: All and Archaeology

In this light-hearted article, the author with a few quick photos demonstrates 3d capture of an in-situ Camarasaurus bone in Yellowstone National Park. Note that modern PhotoModeler Scanner is capable of producing the result shown at the end.

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3D-documentation and analysis of rock carvings
09/02/2016 | Mette Rabitz, University of Gothenburg
Why 3D? seminar - Moesgaard Museum
Applications: All and Archaeology

Rock carvings are disappearing and there is an urgent need to document them. Traditionally these were documented with photography and 2D techniques, but a full 3d photogrammetric approach records more of the condition, and records the 3d shape of the rock surface and the varying depth of the carvings.

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UAS + Photogrammetry Reduces Cost and Risk of Surveys
07/01/2016 | Jerry Fireman
sUAS Guide
Applications: All, Geology & Mining, Magazine Articles, and Surveying

This article describes the use of UAS by two PhotoModeler customers in civil engineering and geology work. One customer specializes in rock slope surveys, and the other in environmental monitoring and remediation. They both found that using UAS and PhotoModeler greatly reduced their costs and reduced risk.  See p. 54 in full online magazine.

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Photogrammetry Helps Surveyors Save Time and Improve Accuracy
02/04/2016 | Jerry Fireman
American Surveyor
Applications: All, Magazine Articles, and Surveying

“Surveying is a time and labor intensive process that requires extremely high levels of accuracy. Two North American surveyors are addressing this challenge by using photogrammetry to increase the number of points surveyed by several orders of magnitude while reducing field time by half or more. Photogrammetry is the process of generating measurements and models from photograph…”

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Full-scale flying shape measurement of offwind sails with photogrammetry
11/05/2015 | Julien Deparday, Patrick Bot, Frederic Hauville, Benoit Augier - Naval Academy Research Institute - BREST, France; Marc Rabaud - Laboratoire FAST, Univ. Paris-Sud, France
submitted to Ocean Engineering
Applications: All, Engineering & Science, and Industrial Measurement

“At full-scale, measuring the spinnaker shape in real sailing conditions (flying shape) is also valuable for sail designers as they would benefit a feedback for their designs. Nonetheless it remains complex to measure spinnaker flying shapes partly because of their inherent instability, like flapping of the luff. This work presents a full-scale experimental investigation of spinnaker flying shapes with simultaneous measurement of the aerodynamic loads on the three sail corners, as well as navigation and wind data. The developed experimental set-up and photogrammetric method to acquire the flying shape of the spinnaker are presented”

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08/23/2015 | Ainun Nadzirah Abdul Raof, Halim Setan, Abert Chong, Zulkepli Majid
Journal Teknologi
Applications: All and Archaeology

This article describes the work of archaeological artifact data recording using close range photogrammetry method. A calibrated stereo camera was used to take the stereo images of the artifacts. PhotoModeler Scanner software was used to produce a three-dimensional model of the artifact. For verification purposes, VIVID 910 laser scanner was used to generate three-dimensional model of the same artifact. The study found that close range photogrammetry method is easy to use, with fast data recording, fast data processing and it is a method which is cheaper than the laser scanning method.

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Accuracy of SUAS Photogrammetry for Use in Accident Scene Diagramming
04/14/2015 | Drew A. Jurkofsky, Petauro Systems
SAE Int. J. Trans. Safety
Applications: All and Forensics & Accident Recon.

Photogrammetry from terrestrial cameras and manned aircraft has been used for many years to create scale diagrams and measure distances for use in traffic accident investigation and reconstruction. Due to increasing capability and availability, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), including small UAS (SUAS), are becoming a valuable, cost effective tool for collecting aerial images for photogrammetric analysis. For this study, two different SUAS were used to collect aerial imagery for photogrammetric processing using PhotoModeler software. The results show the photogrammetric measurement of an accident scene from SUAS aerial imagery provides measurements with errors well below generally accepted ranges for accident reconstruction.

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The Use of the Terrestrial Photogrammetry in Reverse Engineering Applications
04/01/2015 | Naci Yastikli, Zehra Erisir, Pelin Altintas, and Tugba Cak - Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling
Applications: All, Engineering & Science, and Industrial Measurement

“The reverse engineering applications has gained great momentum in industrial production with developments in the fields of computer vision and computer-aided design. The reproduction of an existing product or a spare part, reproduction of an existing surface, elimination of the defect or improvement of the available product are the goals of industrial reverse engineering applications. The first and the most important step in reverse engineering applications is the generation of the three dimensional (3D) metric model of an existing product in computer environment. The possible usage of terrestrial photogrammetry in reverse engineering application is investigated based on low cost photogrammetric system. The main aim was the generation of the dense point cloud and 3D line drawing of the ship model by using terrestrial photogrammetry. Then 3D line drawing operations, point cloud and orthoimage generations have been accomplished by using PhotoModeler software. As a result of the proposed terrestrial photogrammetric steps, 0.5 mm spaced dense point cloud and orthoimage have been generated.”

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09/02/2013 | M.Uysal,, A.S.Toprak, N.Polat, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-5/W2, 2013
Applications: All and Architecture

“Many of the cultural heritages in the world have been totally or partly destroyed by natural events and human activities such as earthquake, flood and fire until the present day. Cultural heritages are legacy for us as well; it is also a fiduciary for next generation. To deliver this fiduciary to the future generations, cultural heritages have to be protected and registered. There are different methods for applying this registry but Photogrammetry is the most accurate and rapid method. Photogrammetry enables us to registry cultural heritages and generating 3D photo-realistic models. “

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Photogrammetric Documentation of Regions of Interest at Autopsy – A Pilot Study
08/03/2013 | Liselott Slot, Peter K. Larsen, Niels Lynnerup
J Forensic Sci, 2013, doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.12289
Applications: All, Biology, and Forensics & Accident Recon.

In this pilot study, the authors tested whether photogrammetry can replace or supplement physical measurements made during autopsies and, based on such measurements, whether virtual computer models may be applicable in forensic reconstructions.

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