What are the computer requirements to run PhotoModeler Standard and Premium?

Operating System Recommendation

PhotoModeler will run on 64-bit versions of Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11.

Please note that older versions of PhotoModeler are not guaranteed to work on versions of operating systems newer than the PhotoModeler release date.

Minimum System Specifications

The minimum system requirements depend on which version of PhotoModeler and the types of projects being carried out. For PhotoModeler Standard the minimum requirements are:

  • Intel or AMD processor
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 10 GB free hard disk space
  • modern display
  • sound hardware for the video tutorials

The above will handle simple, small projects with less than 50 photos.

The minimum system requirements for PhotoModeler Premium (when working with larger point clouds from imports and Dense Modeling projects) are:

  • High-Speed Intel or AMD processor
  • 16 GB RAM,  (the more RAM you can afford the better, 32 to 64 GB of RAM or more is not unheard of)
  • 20 GB hard disk space
  • modern display
  • sound hardware for the video tutorials

To create your own models, a method of capturing images is required, such as a digital camera.

Improved System Specifications

The optimal computer configuration and hardware requirements for using PhotoModeler depend on which version of the software you are using, and the type of projects you are running.

Processing manually marked/referenced and targeted projects within PhotoModeler Standard is light on hardware requirements – almost any computer from recent years will be suitable.

Automatic Point Clouds & Meshes, and imported LIDAR project types within PhotoModeler Premium can be hardware intensive. 64-bit Windows OS is needed to access larger amounts of RAM (ideally 32GB or more). If you are using relatively high-resolution images and many photos, a faster CPU such as Intel i7 or i9 (or AMD Ryzen 9) can help cut down on processing time. As well a fast disk or using SSD can help transfer large amounts of image data.

You may also want to consider how you transfer your photos from your camera.  This would often be by USB cable, or sometimes an SD card.  Ensure you have the interface needed on your computer.