How Scientists Use Photogrammetry to Study Climate Change

Tad Pfeffer surveys glaciers. Currently a professor at the University of Colorado and fellow of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), he has spent the last 30 years studying these rivers of ice as barometers of climate change, and his work finds him mapping ice flows and cliffs in some very remote places. […]

PhotoModeler’s Dense Surface Modeling Accuracy Study

  We have completed an extensive accuracy study of PhotoModeler’s 3d scanning capability called Dense Surface Modeling (DSM).  The full accuracy study article can be found here: Quantifying the accuracy of dense surface modeling within PhotoModeler Scanner. The article shows that PhotoModeler Scanner can match (if not exceed) the accuracy of a laser scanner. Using […]

Tip 16: Paste PhotoModeler Table Data into Excel

A great way to analyze data from PhotoModeler is to display one of the many Table Views (such as the 3D Points Table, or the Photos Table), and export it to Excel. You can then use the power of Excel for sorting, analysis, etc. This video shows the easy steps to copy/paste from PhotoModeler to […]