Using a Dropcam for Forensics and 3D Measurement

The Dropcam security camera is one of several easy-to-use IP cameras on the market for self-monitoring security systems. This article describes a forensic simulation using Dropcam imagery, and the 3D-from-photos software, PhotoModeler. PhotoModeler is the most comprehensive solution, at any price, for working with images from a variety of sources to produce accurate 3D measurements […]

Tip 80: Arranging your photos while referencing

While many aspects of PhotoModeler are automated, there are still times we need to use the manual point marking and referencing mode. This tip describes a method used in manual point referencing for arranging the photo windows different. It is called ‘Auto-arrange Photos’. When manually referencing points, it helps to open a number of photos […]

UAS / UAV Photography for 3D Scanning, Measurement and Modeling

With the proliferation of UAS/UAV (unmanned aircraft systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones) armed with lightweight cameras it has become much easier to capture, scan, measure and 3D model scenes from above. The technique is called photogrammetry. You no longer need to hire an airplane to take aerial photos or purchase expensive aerial photos of […]

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