Tip 75: Masking to Improve Orthophoto and 3D Textures

Did you know that photos can be masked to improve orthophoto and 3D texture output? Sometimes project photos have unwanted items or artifacts that can negatively affect the orthophoto or 3D texture output. For example, a moving car or person appears in a scene while photos are being taken, or a tree or bush is […]

Tip 73: Customizing Object State Colors

Did you know that you can assign color materials to objects, and customize the colors used to denote the state of an object in PhotoModeler? In this case, ‘state’ means an object is selected, or is being referenced, assigned, etc. Materials First, 3D objects in PhotoModeler like points, lines, edges, cylinders, and surfaces all have […]

Tip 71: Using Landscape and Portrait Oriented Photos

Did you know that you can use landscape-oriented and portrait-oriented photos in PhotoModeler, and use both types mixed in the same project if needed? Sometimes the object/scene being modeled is a shape that is best captured using a mix of portrait and landscape photos. This can help improve scene coverage, which is important when trying […]

3D Printing from Photos

In recent years 3D printing technology has become much more accessible in terms of required technical skills and cost. Printing an actual 3D object is now easily achievable if you have a digital model. In this, our 70th tip, we show that with PhotoModeler you can create accurate 3D models from photographs of real objects, […]

Tip 69: Using 3D Glasses with the 3D Viewer

Did you know that you can set up the PhotoModeler 3D Viewer to display your model as a 3D stereo view for use with 3D glasses? It’s a neat to way to visualize your model by increasing the perception of depth, and it’s simple to set up in PhotoModeler. PhotoModeler uses the red/blue style of […]

Tip 68: Precise Camera Alignment in 3D Studio Max

An interesting use for photogrammetry is determining the location and angles of a camera when a photo was taken and then using that information in 3D rendering and animation software to provide an accurate background image. The 3D software will know where the camera was located and how it was oriented so additional 3D objects […]

Blog and RSS Change

The PhotoModeler Blog and the RSS feed have moved to a different domain. Those that get the blog by email should continue to do so with a slightly different format. Those that follow the blog with an RSS reader should still see the blog (the rss feed request is redirected) but you may have seen […]

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