Tip 65: PhotoModeler Help Resources

There are a number of very useful resources available to assist with learning PhotoModeler (whether it is first time use or an expert learning about a new feature). This tip video outlines a number of these resources and how to access them. Some of the resources described are: the tutorial summary dialog that opens at […]

Tip 64: Relating Camera Stations and Photos in PhotoModeler

Screen shot of tip 64 video

In PhotoModeler a Camera takes a Photo. The location and orientation of the Camera in space when the Photo was taken is called a Camera Station. Photos and Camera Stations are central concepts in PhotoModeler and photogrammetry. There is a one-to-one relationship between a Photo and a Camera Station. In the PhotoModeler user interface Camera […]

Tip 61: Using Un-calibrated Cameras in Photogrammetry

Photos taken with a calibrated camera provide the best results in photogrammetry and PhotoModeler. Camera calibration is the process of determining accurate specifications for the camera’s internals – such as focal length, format size and lens distortion. What are the options when the camera is not, or cannot be calibrated? PhotoModeler can handle a uncalibrated camera […]

Tip 60: Varying the detail level in a PhotoModeler PointMesh

PhotoModeler Scanner’s MVS and Pair-based DSM tools create dense point clouds. These 3D points are usually ‘triangulated’ to produce a useful surface. This tip describes a key setting used in this triangulation process. Triangulation is the process of converting a 3D point cloud into a triangulated 3D surface that can be used for surface study, […]

Tip 59: Tricks for Using Tabbed Windows in PhotoModeler

A close range photogrammetry program like PhotoModeler presents different types of information to the user such as photos, 3d views, and tabular data. In PhotoModeler, data is presented in separate windows that can be sized and moved around the display area for maximum flexibility. A modern tabbed interface allows easy access to a number of […]

Tip 57: PhotoModeler Zoom Center for Point Review

PhotoModeler has a number of tools for zooming and panning photographs so that features can be studied close-up. A couple of interesting and perhaps little known zoom tools are ‘Zoom Lock’ and ‘Zoom and Center All’.  These tools are great for doing point review – that is studying how a point is marked and referenced […]

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