Tip 55: A refinement to point referencing in PhotoModeler

This tip video is a ‘back to basics’. The tip concerns itself with the manual process of point referencing (manually matching a point across two or more photos). While much of our new development has been on automation, there are still many applications (and even times within the automated processes) where you need to manually mark […]

Tip 54: PhotoModeler’s 3D Viewer Lighting Controls

When viewing 3D triangulated meshes in PhotoModeler – created by DSM or the new MVS – it can sometimes be difficult to see surface detail. The 3D Viewer renderer uses two lights – a head light (pointing from the renderer’s camera position straight forward – like the head lights on a car), and a side […]

Tip 53: Easy 360 Degree 3D Scanning with Your Camera

There have been some very interesting developments with PhotoModeler Scanner. This tip video shows a new example done with these improvements. A new beta release of the product brings four new capabilities and improvements: MVS – Multi-View Stereo – a new way of creating dense point clouds and surfaces. Improved SmartMatch Orientation – solve more […]

Tip 52: PhotoModeler Project Complete Backup

This short tip demonstrates how to use the Project Backup tool in PhotoModeler. A PhotoModeler project consists of a data storage file called a PMR file (short for PhotoModeleR), and a number of image files. If you want to share the project with someone else you need to send the PMR file and all the […]

Tip 51: Creating Lofted Surfaces in Photogrammetry

PhotoModeler has the ability to create NURBS-based curves and surfaces. NURBS are Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines. These are a power mathematical definition for curves and curved surfaces used by many top-end CAD packages. In the case of photogrammetry the data that supports the curves (3d points or 2d curve profiles) are created from the photo data. […]

Tip 50: PhotoModeler’s Drag and Drop Interface

A quick tip today. Many modern apps accept some form of drag and drop. The ability to click on a file in the Windows File Explorer and drag into an open app improves ease of use and efficiency. PhotoModeler can accept two different file types for drag and drop. You can drag a PhotoModeler project […]

Accuracy of Pile Volume Measurement with Photogrammetry

Accurate volume measurement of piles of material is important in a number of applications, such as: stock pile inventory management, volumes of tailing piles, volume of organic materials in composting operations, quarry pit size, mine reclamation, etc. These piles are difficult to measure due to their size, difficulty of traversing, and non-uniform shapes. The advent […]

Tip 48: Running a PhotoModeler Motion Project

This tip video demonstrates the steps, start to finish, to run a PhotoModeler Motion type 1 project. A type 1 project is multiple synchronized cameras capturing a moving object in 3D. This video is an addendum to the blog post of last week Capturing Motion with Photogrammetry and PhotoModeler, which described two different projects that captured […]

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