Help > Importing and Using Photographs > Viewing Photographs > Changing the Magnification of a Photograph > A Common Set of Zoom and Pan Tools
A Common Set of Zoom and Pan Tools

There are many photograph magnification and panning tools in PhotoModeler. As a result it can be difficult to determine which are the best to use.

First of all, there is no right or wrong.  There are so many of these tools because people operate the program differently and have different tastes for keys vs. toolbars vs. right click menus etc.

A PhotoModeler expert might use this set of tools often:

+ key

to zoom in quickly while in any mode

F key

to fit whole photo to the window

Fit toolbar button

to fit whole photo to the window

Ctrl right mouse button

to pan while in any mode

Right click menu

to access zoom 1:1

Alt key

to access zoom window for a quick magnification

Mouse wheel

to make rapid changes in zoom level without a mode change

Zoom area toolbar

to get precise area to view

Ctrl left mouse button

to get precise area to view while in any mode