Help > Programming PhotoModeler - Scripting/DDE Interface > Commands > Export


Export the current project using the settings specified.


"Export formatType fileName points ids lines edges curves surfaces surfaceDraw cylinders textures textureSizeX textureSizeY mapFormat resampleType textureType  surfaceAsNURBS cylindersAsLines cylindersAsTriangles cylindersAsSolid cylindersAsNURBS curveAsNURBS dxfVisibleFaces dxfPolyFaces dxfDecPlaces dxfClockwise dxfTwoDPlane cameraPositions shapeEdges shapeFaces importedPoints importedLines importedSurfaces offsetPoints PointMeshesAsPoints PointMeshesAsTriangles Contours SmartPoints Volumes CameraStationsAsPoints ortho3DM BentTubes BentTubesAsLines BentTubeCentreNURBS BentTubeSurfacePoints BentTubeSurfaceMesh"



‘formatType’ is the export format ( 0=3D DXF (.dxf), 1=2D DXF (.dxf), 2=3D Studio (.3ds), 3=VRML 1 (.wrl), 4=VRML 2 (.wrl), 5=Wavefront (.obj), 6=Raw (.txt), 7=IGES (.igs), 8=Rhino (.3dm), 9=STL (.stl), 10=Maya (.ma), 11=Google Earth (.kml), 12 = Google Earth (.kmz), 13 = Max Script (.ms), 14 = Total Station (.csv), 15 = Points (.pts), 16 = LAS ASPRS (.las), FilmBox (.fbx) )


‘fileName’ is the name and path for the export output (Note: no spaces are allowed in the file path or name),

‘points’ is 1 to include points (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,  

‘ids’ is 1 to include point ids (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

‘lines’ is 1 to include lines (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

‘edges’ is 1 to include edges (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

‘curves’ is 1 to include curves (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

‘surfaces’ is 1 to include surfaces (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

‘surfaceDraw’ is 1 to include surface draw points and lines (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

‘cylinders’ is 1 to include cylinders (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them, a mix, 


‘textures’ is 1 to texture exported surfaces and cylinders (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to not texture them,

‘textureSizeX’ and ‘textureSizeY’ are the width and height of the texture file,

‘mapFormat’ is the image format the texture should be (0 is the first item in the ‘map file format’ drop-down, 1 the second, etc. the available image formats depend on what 3D format is being exported),  

‘resampleType’ is the type of resampling used on the texture file (0=Nearest neighbor, 1=Bilinear, 2=Bicubic),

‘textureType is the 0 if fast textures should be used or 1 if quality textures should be used,

‘surfacesAsNURBS’ is 0 if surfaces should be exported as triangles 1 if they should be NURBS or 2 if they should be

cylindersAsLines’ is 1 if cylinders should be exported as center lines 0 if they should not,

‘cylindersAsTriangles’ is 1 if cylinders should be exported as trianges 0 if they should not,

‘cylindersAsSolid’ is 1 if cylinders should be exported as full cylinders 0 if they should not,

‘cylindersAsNURBS’ is 1 if cylinders should be exported as NURBS surfaces 0 if they should not,

‘curvesAsNURBS’ is 1 if curves should be exported as NURBS, 0 if they should not,

 ‘dxfVisibleFaces’ is 1 if DXF surfaces should be a mesh 0 if they should not,

‘dxfPolyFaces’ is 1 if DXF triangle edges should be visible,

‘dxfDecPlaces’ is the number of decimal places DXF files should be written to,

‘dxfClockwise’ should be 1 if DXF surface vertex ordering should be clockwise 0 if it should be counter-clockwise,

‘dxfTwoDPlane’ should be 0 for X=0, 1 for Y=0 or 2 for Z=0.

cameraPositions is 1 to include (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

shapeEdges is 1 to include Shape Edges (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

shapeFaces is 1 to include Shape Faces (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

importedPoints is 1 to include Imported Points (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

importedLines is 1 to include Imported Lines (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

importedSurfaces is 1 to include Imported Surfaces (when

valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

offsetPoints is 1 to include 3D Offset Points (when

valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

PointMeshesAsPoints is 1 to include PointMeshes’ point clouds (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

PointMeshesAsTriangles is 1 to include triangulated PointMeshes (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

Contours is 1 to include contours (when

valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

SmartPoints is 1 to include SmartPoints (when

valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them,

Volumes is 1 to include Volumes (when valid for the format) in the export 0 to exclude them.

CameraStationsAsPoints is 1 to export cameras as points. Ortho3DM is 1 to export ortho 3dm format.

BentTubes to include them.

BentTubesAsLines to export as center lines

BentTubeCentreNURBS is 1 if Bent Tube should be exported as NURBS, 0 if they should not.

BentTubeSurfacePoints is 1 if Bent Tube should be exported as Surface Points, 0 if they should not.

BentTubeSurfaceMesh is 1 if Bent Tube should be exported as a Surface Mesh, 0 if they should not.


"1" if export is successful or "0" if this command failed. 

Failure returns

- incorrect number of parameters

- no project is open

- an invalid parameter

- the export file could not be created



“Export 5 c:\temp\TestExport.obj 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 512 512 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"

return "1"