Help > Programming PhotoModeler - Scripting/DDE Interface > Commands > ExportOrthoFromPoints


Export an orthophoto based on a rectangular region defined by 3 points


"ExportOrthoFromPoints photoID overScan PointID1 PointID2 PointID3 dominantAxis imageSizeX imageSizeY fileName"


“photoID” corresponds to the photo from which the rectangle is defined, “overScan” corresponds to the % of extra photographic data captured (0-40),

“PointID1”, “PointID2”, “PointID3” corresponds to the ID’s of the three points defining the ortho region (i.e. “PointID1” and “PointID2” define the horizontal axis, and “PointID1” and “PointID3” define the vertical axis), “dominantAxis” corresponds to the dominant axis (i.e. 1-Horizontal, 2-Vertical), “imageSizeX” and “imageSizeY” correspond to the number of horizontal and vertical pixels respectively in the output, and “fileName” corresponds to the full path of the output file name (can have spaces in path).

See also OrthoPhoto Export


"1" if export is successful or "0" if this command failed. 

Failure returns

        one or more of the points are not valid 3D points

        overscan out of range (i.e. outside 0-40) 

        dominantAxis out of range (i.e. outside 1-2)

        fileName corresponds to an invalid path

        projection plane cannot be formed internally



"ExportOrthoFromPoints 1 10 1000 1010 1020 1 512 512 c:\orthophotos\fromPoints.jpg”

return "1"