Help > Programming PhotoModeler - Scripting/DDE Interface > Commands > GetProjectStats


Returns various project statistics and quality idicators.




"1 numPhotos, numOrientedPhotos, overallRMS, totalError, largestResidual, pointIdOfLargest, photoOfLargest, numApproximated, numProcessed, numProcessedControl"


numPhotos is the number of photos in the project,numOrientedPhotos is the number of oriented photos in the project, overallRMS is the overall RMS value of point mark residuals, totalError is the error value shown on the processing done dialog, largestResidual is the value of the largest point mark residual in the project, pointIdOfLargest is the ID of the point with the largets residual, photoOfLargest is the ID of the photo on which the largest residual point is marked, numApproximated is the number of points with a solved 3D position only by resection (i.e. unprocessed), numProcessed is the number of points that have a solved/optimized 3D position, and numProcessedControl is the number of control points that have been processed with a 3D position.

Failure returns

- no project is open.



return "1 7 6 0.494092 4.293000 2.579364 1 4 0 45 0"