Help > Importing and Using Photographs > Getting Photographs into Your Computer
Getting Photographs into Your Computer

Photographs must be converted to a digital representation that can be stored on a computer's disk system. PhotoModeler works with digital photographs in many formats. The image formats with these file extensions are accepted: .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .bmp, .pcx, .tga, .png, .pct, .psd, .ppm, .mac, .iff, .cal, .pcd, .sgi., rgb, .jpx, .jp2, .psp, .hdp, .wpd, and .pgm.

PhotoModeler Premium also supports Video Frame Extraction, which enables automatic or manual extraction of frames from a video - these file extensions are supported when adding photos to a project: .mov, .mp4, .avi, .wmv, .3gp, and .mpg.

Note: PhotoModeler can read images in many bit depths (1 bit black and white, 4 bit color, 8 bit monochrome, 8 bit color with palette, and 24 bit full RGB color) but some processes (like automatic target marking and sub-pixel target marking) only work on 8 bit monochrome (no palette) or 24 bit full RGB images.

The following sections describe how to convert your photograph to digital format depending on what type of camera was used.