Help > Working with Imports and Coordinate Systems > Import Types and Nomenclature
Import Types and Nomenclature

There are a few ways to use imported objects and files in PhotoModeler. This overview and nomenclature describe the differences.

        Multi-point Transform: from the ‘Define the coordinate system’ import type – define the coordinate system of the project by assigning multiple known 3D points to 3D project points. It sets up the coordinate system without modifying the project’s shape.

        Control Points: from the ‘Control the solution’ import type – import known control points to help with solution / orientation / calibration of the project. Will change the shape of the project to fit the control points.

        Check Measurements: from the ‘Check and compare against known measurements’ import type – compare points and distances to those solved by PhotoModeler.

        Static Import: from the ‘Add 3D data without transforming project’ import type and picking ‘no transform’ – when the import and the project are already in the same coordinate system and no transformations are needed. Useful for viewing external data and its relationship to solved photos.                     

        Pinned Import: from the ‘Add 3D data without transforming project’ import type and picking ‘transform object by pinning’ – used to transform imports into a location / rotation different than their import by manual control over six parameters or using 1 or more pinned rays or points with some manual control over other parameters. Useful for viewing external data and its relationship to solved photos when the import is in a different coordinate system from the project. The variations:                 

o   Point pinning: transforming an import by assigning (pinning) one or more of its points to solved 3D locations in the PhotoModeler project. May need manual adjustment of some parameters to complete the transform.

o   Ray pinning: transforming an import by assigning (pinning) one or more of its points to photographic rays (2D not 3D). May need manual adjustment of some parameters to complete the transform.

o   Free ‘pinning’: not pinning per se, it means you can freely position an import in XYZ and 3 rotation angles with the Import Transform dialog. No points or rays are assigned.