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Marked Point

A point visible on a photograph that has been marked by a user. A Marked Point is shown on a photograph with an "X" like symbol.

This document refers to Marked Points, 3D Points and Points. A Marked Point is on a photograph, a 3D Point in on an object or in a 3D scene and a Point refers to some location in space and is usually synonymous with 3D Point. Marked Points are associated with 3D Points on a many-to-one basis. As Marked Points are referenced together they become to share the same 3D Point. The figure below illustrates this conceptual relationship:

Marked Points A, B, and C are marked on different photographs and are all referenced together. This implies that they mark the image of one point in 3D object space. When you see the term "point" used without the qualified "Marked" or "3D" this refers to either a multiple of referenced Marked Points or one 3D Point (which are really the same). See 3D Point definition. The point identifiers displayed and exported by PhotoModeler are associated with and are unique to all 3D Points.