Description: |
Executes the steps on the Meshing dialog after triangulation |
Syntax: |
"PostTriangulateMeshClean outMeshId inMeshId decimateAmount smoothAmount fillHoles" where: - outMeshId is an id number identifying the output PointMesh (error condition if id already exists) - inMeshId is an id number identifying the input PointMesh - decimateAmount is 0=do nothing, >0 = percentage to triangles to remove (integer) - smoothAmount is 0=do nothing, >0 = number of smoothing iterations (integer) - fillHoles is 0=do nothing, 1=fill holes (uses default parameters) |
Return: |
"1" if successfull or "0" if not.
Example: |
"PostTriangulateMeshClean 4 3 0 0 1" return: "1" |