Help > Programming PhotoModeler - Scripting/DDE Interface > Commands > Process


Process the project.


"Process flag" or "Process flag pmq rca"


"flag" is the sum of:

- 1 for reorient all photos

- 2 for reorient only unoriented photos

- 4 for optimize (bundle adjustment)

- 8 for self-calibration during bundle

- 16 for field calibration during bundle

- 32 for constraints processing

- 64 for High Residual Point Removal (the residual threshold at which points are removed is set in the ini file).

- 128 for Robust Orientation

- 256 for Auto-calibration



- '1' and '2' cannot be set at same time

- '8' and '16' cannot be set at the same time

- '8', '16' and '32' must be set with '4' also

- '16' only works if there is one camera in project assigned to multiple photos

- ‘128’ only works if ‘1’ or ‘2’ has been set

-  ‘256’ only works if ‘128’ has been set.


If the project has more than one camera, ‘8’ (self-calibration is used by default as you cannot use ‘16’ for a multiple camera project.



pmq = Project Marking Quality (to enable Reference Checker), where -1 = off or > 0 as the marking residual threshold above which points will be processed (see rca variable)

rca = 0,1,2 where 0 = do not run, 1 = unreference, 2 = set to do not use, 3 = rename

name = name points to rename if rca= 3


"1 iter i.e. fe" if  successful or "0" if not


"iter" is the total number of iterations needed for solution, "i.e." is error in first iteration of processing  and "fe" is the final error. Note if bundle is not run (i.e., only orientation) then "iter i.e. fe" will be "-1 -1 -1". Note this command can take some time to run as it waits to return until processing is complete.

Failure returns

- insufficient number of parameters

- no project is open

- 'flag' is malformed

- project fails to process/orient


"Process 13"

return "1 3 12.2 0.1"


"Process 13 1 3 rc"

processes and each point with a marking residual above 1 will be renamed to rc and return "1 3 12.2 0.1"