Help > Troubleshooting > Problems List > When a Photograph cannot be opened
When a Photograph cannot be opened

PhotoModeler cannot open a photograph if it runs out of memory, the photograph is in an incorrect format or there was trouble creating the chip cache file (.cch). If a low memory message appears,  release some memory by closing any open photographs and by closing running Windows applications.

If you get a low memory message repeatedly when nothing else is running and only one or two photographs are open, try one of the following:

        Reboot your computer and restart Windows.

        Study your autoexec.bat and config.sys to see if any unnecessary drivers, TSR's or expanded memory buffers are being used. Remove them and try again.

        Add more RAM to your computer.

If you get a message about not being able to open the file, check to make sure the image file has not be corrupted or deleted.

If you get a message such as "Unable to write to disk" when Photographs are being loaded or displayed, the problem might be due to the image being on a read-only media. The image cache (.cch) file is being created at this time. To correct, remove the write protect from the disk or copy the images to a read/write hard-disk.