- Pro 5.2.3 (May 9, 2005)
- Automarking Layers: In AutoMarking you can now select which layers all new marks will be added to.
- New DDE Commands: SetPhotoSet, RemovePhotoSet, AddLayer, SetLayerByRegion, SetLayerByName, RemoveLayer, AutoReferenceByLayer, and DeleteMarkedPoint. See Help file for details.
- Improved Precision Reporting: While this change is not a new feature we list it here to bring attention to it. There have been changes to the Total Error and Precision values. The Total Error is solved differently, the processing solution tolerance preference has changed, post-bundle precision values are solved differently, and post-bundle precisions now handle a project’s coordinate system rotation properly. You may find your total error goes up with this release but the actual project quality has not gotten worse – PM just reports the error value differently.
- Plus 34 other small changes and fixes.
- Pro 5.2.2 (Nov 26, 2004)
- Automated Calibration Parameterization: Camera Calibration has been improved in a number of ways. First, it automatically chooses the optimal set of camera parameters to solve with each camera. Second, it has new methods to improve robustness of calibrations for situations that would cause problems in the past (long focal length lenses for example).
- Unreferenced Mark Highlight: All marks (points, edges, curves, cylinders, silhouettes) that have not yet been referenced to any other mark are displayed in a unique color so they can be readily identified.
- Referencing Guide: PhotoModeler now highlights candidate point and silhouette marks in the desination photo during manual referencing. You can pick a mark that is not one of the candidates (or mark a new point) but generally one of the suggested marks is the correct one, thereby making manual Referencing easier.
- Camera Station IDs: The ID number for Camera Stations can now be displayed in the 3D Viewer.
- Silhouette Volume: The Measure Tool and the new Silhouette Table now display a silhouette’s volume.
- Silhouette Automatic Referencing: Silhouette marks can now be automatically referenced. Useful in applications where there are many organic shapes in a project.
- Silhouette Mark Import: There is a new silhouette mark file import. Useful if you have an external process for automatically tracing silhouette outlines.
- New DDE Commands and Improvements: The “Process”, “AddCamera”, and “RotateAxes” commands have been improved. The new commands are: “Translate”, “CreatePointCloud”, and “Show3DViewer”.
- Pro 5.2.1 (Sep 28, 2004)
- Table Export Selected: You can now optionally export only the selected rows from a Table to a text file. See accompanying DDE change also.
- Camera Station Scale/Rotate: Camera Station positions can now be used to set a project’s scale and rotation.
- Renumber: A new renumber function allows you to resequence the ID numbers for points, edges, cylinders, curves, photos, etc. If you have deleted photos or points and there are gaps in the numbering scheme, this function will remove those gaps.
- End points in Tables: Curve, Edge and Cylinder Tables have new columns that show the X,Y,Z end points of these objects.
- Improved Recalibrate Options: The Calibration Options have been further improved to provide more direct control over which camera parameters are solved.
- New DDE commands: The DDE programming interface is improved with new commands. You can now programmatically request to export tables to text files (including only selected items – which gives a great capability to have a two way interaction between programs and user input). There are also changes to the Scale/Rotate DDE command (to add Camera Stations), and a change for the AddCamera DDE command to assign the camera to a specific photo.
- Auto-Project Cleanup: There are a number of new functions for the automatic improvement and clean up of points in a Coded Target Auto-Project. These are: a) delete point marks remaining on just one photo, b) weld targets that are coded but mismarked, c) delete points that lie in a “disk” volume around a coded target, d) add a 2nd stage of autoreferencing, e) add a 3rd stage of processing and f) add an automatic point cloud surface to points named during autoreferencing.
- Pro 5.2 (Jul 13, 2004)
- Drag and Drop: You can now “drag and drop” files onto the PhotoModeler application window.
- 4 or 5 Point Orientation: PhotoModeler will now automatically orient photos that have only 4 or 5 referenced marked points.
- Full time marked point residual display: There is now an option to control Marked Point Residuals Display from the Photo Control Marked tab. ***Note: this replaces the Marking Residual Display Dialog.***
- Full time sub-pixel target region display: There is now an option to control the visibility of Sub-pixel target marking regions from the Photo Control Marked tab.
- 3D Viewer Region Select: Region select has been enhanced to work in the 3D viewer.
- Maya Export: Added export of point data in a Maya .ma script format.
- Enhanced PMV Tracking: A new type of tracking has been added to the PMV module.
- New DDE Export command: Added new DDE command “Export” – Exports the currently loaded project in the format and with the options specified.
- Apply Image Enhance: You can now apply the Image Enhance settings directly to the image file.
- Show Highest Residual Command: A new tool has been added to the Point Table’s right click popup menu which allows you to select and show the mark with the highest residual for a point.
- New Calibration Options Dialog: When recalibrating it is no longer necessary to redo the entire calibration. There is now an option to perform or skip each major stage.
- New Fast Automatic Segmentation setting for automarking: A new preference setting (“Use Fast Automatic Segmentation”) has been added to the Target Marking tab of the Options dialog that when set to ‘On’ can dramatically increase circular target automarking in projects with very high contrast targets.
- Precision Vector Length: The Precision Vector Length is now displayed in the Point Table.
- Path Surface photo texture enhancement: Path Surfaces can now optionally grab their textures based on the mark’s position in a photo as opposed to just the projected position.
- New Reference Checker options: New settings on the processing dialog allow the choice of what the Reference Checker does during its second phase.
- Pro 5.1.1 (May 5, 2004)
- Reference Checker: The new, fully automated Reference Checker operates largely behind the scenes to review all point references before processing to detect possible errors. Once errors are detected the user is warned and the points are automatically pulled out of the processing. This can greatly increase the probability that all projects will process correctly the first time and is especially helpful with fully automated projects to improve accuracy, consistency and robustness.
- Template Targets: Sub-pixel marking in PhotoModeler was only done with circular targets in the past but now corners, cross shapes, survey targets, edges, and user defined shapes can be used.
- NCC PMV Tracking: Normalized Cross Correlation has been added as a option to PMV tracking. This method provides more robust tracking especially in images with noisy backgrounds or non-ideal targets.
- 3D Viewer Axes Display: The 3D Viewer now optionally displays the X, Y, Z axes with control over size and placement.
- Mouse Wheel Zoom: Photo Windows can now be rapidly zoomed in and out with the wheel on your mouse.
- Pro 5.1 (Mar 12, 2004)
- No new features – a couple of fixes – released to synchronize with the new CD pressing.
- Pro 5.0.11 (Mar 8, 2004)
- Auto-Project Constraints: The Coded Target Automatic Project now accepts the definition of distance constraints during setup. Good for high accuracy, fully automated target projects.
- USB dongles: Support for USB dongles for locked versions (parallel port dongle support remains).
- Pro 5.0.10 (Jan 22, 2004)
- Filtered Zoom: There is a new option to smooth out zoomed-in images so they do not look pixelated. This can make some manual image marking easier to do and more precise.
- LSM Residual Export: If you are a heavy user of sub-pixel marking you might want to study the quality of the LSM marking for each point. The LSM residuals, which can tell you how well the ideal circle target fit the image target, are now displayed and exported.
- Pro 5.0.9 (Dec 11, 2003)
- PMV and Coded Targets: The PMV Module now supports Coded Targets. Before tracking is started in each epoch, the coded target points will be detected and in the case of PMV type 2 projects can be used for the initial orientation of each epoch. Since these coded points are not ‘tracked’ in the traditional sense they can make sudden movements and even be tracked in and out of different epochs. This addition makes PMV Type 2 projects much more efficient and allows for interesting displacement vs time measurements.
- Enhanced Project Wizard: the Automatic Project option in the New Project Wizard has been enhanced to include marking and automatic referencing of non-coded target points.
- Pro 5.0.8 (Oct 14, 2003)
- Pro 5.0.7 (Oct 10, 2003)
- Pro 5.0.6 (Oct 9, 2003)
- Enhanced PMV Module: There is a new “type 2” PMV project that can be used for displacement measurement. Type 2 projects are based on a single moving camera with some static non-moving points to define the reference frame across epochs.
- New DDE Commands: A number of new commands have been added, making it easier to more fully automate PhotoModeler using external program control.
- Improved Automarking: Automarking is now more efficient with a new “mark all photos” feature.
- Cylinder Measure Improvements: You can now measure a cylinder’s center line end point X,Y,Z positions.
- Fully Automated Projects: Along with the Coded Target Module there is a new capability to fully automate the marking, referencing and processing of projects.
- Improved Create Coded Targets Dialog: The updated dialog makes printing coded targets easier.
- Pro 5.0.4 (Jun 24, 2003)
- User Customizable Short Cut Keys: A new dialog in the Options menu gives you the ability to assign your own keys to many of PhotoModeler’s functions.
- Scale and Translate: A new capability in the Scale and Rotate dialog allows you to scale and translate the coordinate system using camera station locations and distances.
- K3 lens distortion: New support for this lens distortion parameter (for the sixth power of radial distance) in Camera Calibration allows wider-angle lenses to be used more accurately.
- Pro 5.0.3 (May 22, 2003)
- Stereo View: A new option in the 3D Viewer Options dialog allows for an anaglyph-style stereo display in the 3D Viewer. This feature is useful for checking your results. It is also a fun feature – when used with the appropriate colored glasses, you can see the object in the 3D Viewer “pop” out of the screen.
- Enhanced 3D Viewer Selection: The 3D Viewer now has a more powerful selection mechanism, particularly for objects close to each other in the 2D rendering.
- Improved Projections: The Photo Projection system has been enhanced. Users can use the Preferences dialog to decide between speed or consistency for projected points and lines.
- Enhanced Select Tool: When multiple items are selected, the Status Bar now displays the count of how many objects and their types.
- Pro 5.0.2 (Apr 15, 2003)
- Pro 5.0.1 (Apr 11, 2003)
- The new PMV PhotoModeler Video module released
- New NURBS surface construction methods
- Ability to fit a NURBS curve through points
- Orthophoto export overhaul
- Quick-reference tool
- Instruction bar UI help
- New export formats: Rhino 3DM and STL
- Camera Calibrator integrated into main product
- EXIF image header reading
- 3D Viewer switch to OpenGL
- any many others