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PhotoModeler Premium Permanent – Educational Lab

$2,298.00 USD

SKU: pmpnet.e Category: Tag:


PhotoModeler Premium brings the power of Dense Surface Modeling (DSM) to your desktop. Create accurate, high-quality 3D models and measurements from photographs by scanning sets of overlapping photos to produce dense point clouds and meshed surfaces. PhotoModeler Scanner has all the capabilities of the PhotoModeler product plus the DSM capabilities, Measurement over time, Coded Targets, Geographic coordinates, and Idealize are included within this Scanner package price.

This is a permanent license. This license if for educational use in a lab setting (one room/location) for up to 30 seats (please specify).  The Education Use Agreement must be first submitted and approved by PhotoModeler Technologies before you can purchase this product. If you purchase this product without approval, your order will be canceled.

  • This is a network floating license that requires a Windows share folder to be accessible (read/write access)  by all computers in the lab.

The product includes electronic delivery of license activation code, software download link, and supporting information.