Help > Programming PhotoModeler - Scripting/DDE Interface > Commands > MP


Mark a point on a photograph. This command is also used to do implicit referencing by matching the Object Point IDs and Control Point marking.


"MP PhotoID 3DPointID x y importObjName ctlName"


'PhotoID' is a valid photograph number (>=1), '3DpointID' is a valid 3D Point ID (starting at value returned by GetNextPointID), 'x' is the X photo coordinate in pixels, 'y' is the Y photo coordinate (upper left is 0,0), and if optionally marking control ‘importObjName’ is the name of imported object and 'ctlName' is the name of a control point to assign to this point. Note that both the last 2 optional parameters must be included if marking control points.


"1" if the point was marked successfully. "0" if it was not successful.

Failure returns

- incorrect number of parameters

- no project is open

- 'PhotoId' does not correspond to an existing photo

- the point is already marked on this photo

- there is no control point named 'ctlName' in project

- the point '3DpointID' is already assigned to a different control point


"MP 3 231 23.12 456.21"  OR

"MP 3 231 23.12 456.21 Box c1"

return "1"