Help > Using the Model > Viewing the 3D model > 3D Viewer > 3D Viewer Options Dialog > 3D View Options - Notes
3D View Options - Notes

Note: When turning on visibility for items in an already opened 3D viewer if these items appear outside of the current view you may need to hit ‘reset’ before these items show on the screen.  This is typically the case with camera stations as they tend to lie on the furthest extents of the model.  Due to the way orthographic views work hitting reset may not be needed if viewing in orthographic mode.

Note 2: The Materials can be changed while the 3D Viewer window is open and it will update automatically to reflect the color changes.  The only Material attribute that does not appear all the time is photo-texture, which only displays when the surface display type is set to "Fast" or "Quality" textures. There is a control in the dialog to turn this on and off because photo-textured objects are slower to open and slower to navigate.