Help > Using the Automated Tools > Automatic Target Marking
Automatic Target Marking

Automatic Target Marking will search out and mark, with sub-pixel precision, many circular targets in a user defined region (or whole photo).

The targets will usually be one of three types:

        stick-on natural-light targets,

        stick-on retro-reflective targets, or

        projected targets.

There will normally be many targets in a region (otherwise one or two isolated targets would normally be marked manually using the Point Tool and the Sub-Pixel Target Mode) and there will little background noise in the region that can be confused as a target.

Note: PhotoModeler can read images in many bit depths (1 bit black and white, 4 bit color, 8 bit monochrome, 8 bit color with palette, and 24 bit full RGB color) but some processes (such as sub-pixel target marking) only work on 8 bit monochrome (no palette) or 24 bit full RGB images.

See Targets - Do’s and Don’t’s for tips on using targets in your project.

In addition to plain circular dots for targets, PhotoModeler can automatically mark, recognize and reference targets with special code rings.

Note: You can also set up an Automated Coded Targets Project which automatically marks targets, and processes the project.