Help > Programming PhotoModeler - Scripting/DDE Interface > Commands > AutoReferenceByLayer


Performs auto-referencing only on the layer specified


"AutoReferenceByLayer SearchDistance SearchDistanceDoubling(1=Yes,0=No) MinNumPhotos SetToDoNoProcess(1=Yes,0=No) [Name of automatically referenced points] LayerName"


SearchDistance defines how far apart the intersection of the light ray from one marked point and the light ray from another marked point can be before the points are determined to be unmatching (in project units), SearchDistanceDoubling is 1 to double the search distance and reiterate, MinNumPhotos is the minimum number of photos the referenced object point must appear on, SetToDoNoProcess is 1 for Yes and 0 for No and at the end of the command an option name for each point referenced, LayerName is the name of the layer on which points will be autoreferenced.

See the Automatic Referencing Dialog for more background.


"1 NumMarksReferenced"

where NumMarksReferenced is the number of  marks automatically referenced or "0" if this command failed. 

Failure returns

- name of layer if not found


"AutoReference 1.983 1 3 1 layerName"

return "1 14"