Help > Programming PhotoModeler - Scripting/DDE Interface > Commands > DefineControlPoint


(Re)Define a 3D Control Point.


"DefineControlPoint  importName ctlName x y z px py pz"


"importName" is a unique name (no spaces and cannot start with underscore) for the name of the import object, "ctlName" is a unique name (no spaces and cannot start with underscore) for the control point, "x y z" are the coordinates of the control point, and "px py pz" are optional and are the standard deviation error of the point (if these are missing or any one of px, py or pz is negative then the whole point is considered fixed). If a control point with the same name already exists in the project, the values in the command will override it. Note that x,y,z and px,py,pz are in the current project units.


"1" if  successful or "0" if not.

Failure returns

- incorrect number of parameters

- no project is open

- name starts with an underscore


"DefineControlPoint  Box c1 23.2 355.4 234.1"

return: "1"