Help > Programming PhotoModeler - Scripting/DDE Interface > Commands > CreatePointMesh


Performs Dense Surface Modeling. Creates a PointMesh by scanning two photos using an input surface to define the approximate base surface.


"CreatePointMesh outMeshId inSurfaceId ph1 ph2 samplingInt depthAbove depthBelow"


- outMeshId is an id number identifying the output PointMesh (error condition if id already exists)

- inSurfaceId is an id number identifying the Surface to use as approximate surface and extents. If inSurfaceId=-2 the extents are defined by DSM Masks; if inSurfaceId=-1 then the extents are defined by the whole photo and the approximate surface is the one created from existing points; if inSurfaceId=0 DSM Trims define the extents; if inSurfaceId>0, it corresponds to the ID of the existing surface of that ID to define the extents.

- ph1, ph2 are the id numbers of photos on which to execute scanning

- samplingInt is sampling interval in metres

- depthAbove, depthBelow define depth range above and below the identified surface in metres


Note that advanced parameters such as matching region size, texture type, down-sampling factor, etc. are set in the PhotoModeler preferences (ini) file in the new [DSM-DDE] section. See below. 


"1" if successful or "0" if this command failed. 


"CreatePointMesh 1 12 1 2 0.02 0.1 0.3”

return "1"

The following settings can be adjusted in the PhotoModeler ini file (see Application Data and File Locations for information on where the ini file is stored on disk).


TextureTypeDefault=3  ; Texture type - same value as in UI (Create Dense Surface dialog / Advanced section)

DownSampleFactor=0    ; Down sample factor - same value as in UI

SuperSamplingDefault=1  ;   Super sampling factor = 2 to the power of this number (i.e. if value is 1, ssf = 2^1 = 2)

ImageWidthDivWindowSize=400  ; Matching region radius = image width in pixels divided by this value

SubPixel=1  ; Sub-pixel is on if this value is 1 (0 for off)