Help > Working with Measurement Projects > Drag and Drop
Drag and Drop

PhotoModeler supports the dragging and dropping of files onto the PhotoModeler window. You can drag and drop .pmr files, .cam files and image files onto PhotoModeler.

As with standard Drag and Drop operations in Windows, you select one or more files in Windows Explorer, click and hold the left mouse button, and drag the cursor on top of the PhotoModeler window. PhotoModeler will indicate it can accept the files. You then release the left mouse button to “drop” file files into PhotoModeler. The files are handled in this way:

        dropping a .pmr file will open it (closing any currently open projects),

        dropping a .cam file will add the camera to the currently open project or if no project is open, a 'quick setup' project will be created and the camera assigned as the default,

        dropping an image file will add the image to the open project or if no project is open a 'quick setup' project will be created and the image added to it.  The image is assigned to the default camera.

When dropping multiple files at one time .pmr files are ignored. If you drop a combination of images and .cam files when no project is open the first .cam file will be set as the default camera and the images will be assigned to it. This is a short-cut for starting projects with a known camera.

Drag and Drop provides a quick and convenient way to start projects and add images/cameras to a project.