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DSM Computer Harwdware Requirements

Due to the large data volumes during image processing for DSM, especially when working with a large number of high resolution images, using the 64bit version of PhotoModeler Premium (and UAS) is highly recommended.  Like all 64bit applications running on Windows, PhotoModeler Premium has access to vastly more memory, which allows for more concurrent data crunching.  This speeds up processing and makes it more reliable.

Note: The older 32bit versions of PhotoModeler will process certain DSM data and photo sets, but there is a higher likelihood of system instability.  One way to minimize memory loads in the 32bit version is to first Idealize (see Idealize Project) the photos, before running the DSM tools.  When running the MVS based tools (see All photos MVS Method), it’s also a good idea to set the Max Group Size to 5 to keep memory requirements down.