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Example Project – Specified Coded Targets Merge

A large boat deck cannot be fully covered by a full set of targets (i.e. all Letter Sheet and individual targets would not allow for enough spread, overlap and coverage on the boat deck). Therefore, the deck is split into 2 (or more) smaller projects. In this example, individual targets (51-55) and Letter Sheet A are designated as merge points at the stern, and individual targets 56-60 and Letter Sheet B are designated as merge targets at the bow. These merge targets are taped to the deck to ensure they don’t move.

The port side of the deck is done first, spreading all of the remaining targets along the port side, ensuring that photos cover the targeted port side AND the merge points at the stern and/or bow.  Once the photography on the port side is done, the non-static merge targets on the port side are moved to the starboard side (the fastened designated merge targets do not move). The starboard side of the deck is photographed with good coverage and overlap including the merge points at the stern and/or bow.

The port and starboard projects are done separately as Automated Coded Targets Projects.  Provided there is enough coverage and overlap to orient all photos and the models are accurate. Projects are saved as port.pmr and starboard.pmr.

To combine these two projects, open the Merge dialog, select the “Specified Coded Targets Merge” type, and browse to the Port and Starboard projects to add to the Projects list.

Select the port.pmr project, then in the grid below type: “51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, A, B” (don’t use quotes, and list the static points that are shared between the two projects, comma or space separated). You’ll see that when you select the starboard.pmr project up top, the port.pmr project is shown below with a list of static points that is duplicated, as they are shared between the two projects.

Click Execute Merge to combine the projects.