Help > Importing and Using Photographs > Getting Photographs into Your Computer > From Video Cameras to PhotoModeler
From Video Cameras to PhotoModeler

PhotoModeler Premium also supports Video Frame Extraction, which enables automatic or manual extraction of frames from a video.

PhotoModeler uses can extract frames via external software or a digitizer board (sometimes called a frame-grabber board). Capture each of the frames you want from your motion or still video and place them in one hard disk directory.

All frames should be captured at the same resolution. If capturing from motion video try to capture frames where the camera is not moving much or the objects in the scene are mostly stationary - this is because a video frame is composed of two video fields which are 1/30th of a sec apart and if the camera or object was moving there will be blurring in the frame caused by inter-field movement.

Follow the generic guidelines above regarding rotation and resolution, etc.