Help > Building a 3D Model > Creating and Modifying Objects > Cylinder Defining/Modifying > Marking Cylinders
Marking Cylinders

Marking most curved surfaces in PhotoModeler requires that the surfaces have targets placed on them before the photography. This requirement makes modeling a large number of cylindrical pipes and vessels cumbersome.

PhotoModeler has an advanced algorithm for determining the position, orientation and diameter of a cylinder/pipe given edge markings in two or more oriented and solved photographs without any targets.

To mark cylinders:

        Open one or more photographs that show cylinders you wish to model.

        Go into cylinder marking mode by either selecting "Mark Cylinders" from the ribbon toolbar’s Create Tab (Marking group expand menu) or selecting the cylinder toolbar button.

The cylinder marking cursor will appear to show you are in Cylinder Marking mode.

        Find the cylinder you wish to mark and click down on the edge between the cylinder and its background.

One cylinder point will be drawn and you will get a rubber band line.

        Mark a point along this same edge of the cylinder as far down the cylinder as you can see in this photograph (or as far as you want to model).

The second cylinder point will draw and the rubber-band line will disappear.

        Mark a point anywhere along the second edge of the cylinder and then similarly a point further along the same edge.

The order you mark the cylinder points does not matter as long as the first two points are on one edge and the second two points are on the other.