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Building a 3D Model

This chapter describes how to build a 3D model in PhotoModeler. Before building the model, the user must create a project, and add photographs to it. See the sections Creating a New Project, and Importing and Using Photographs.

Building a 3D model is a three stage process:

        Mark the locations of features on each photograph.

        Possibly reference the points common to more than one photograph.

        Process the information you have entered.

This chapter is broken down into the following sections:

        The Objects That Make Up A Model - Describes the various types of 3D objects that are used to make up a 3D model in PhotoModeler, the properties of each object type and how each object has its 3D position computed.

        Marking - Describes the basics of marking points, edges, curves, cylinders, silhouettes etc. on photographs.

        Selection and Visibility - Describes the basics of selecting objects so you can later manipulate them.

        Referencing  - Describes the basics of referencing marks between photographs so they can become 3D.

        Creating and Modifying Objects - Describes, in more detail, the marking, referencing, and editing of specific types of objects. Builds on the Marking, Referencing and Selection sections.