Help > Building a 3D Model > Creating and Modifying Objects > Object Points > Marking Points
Marking Points

To mark a point, first open or activate the desired photograph.

To mark a point:

        Pick up the Point Marking tool  , or select "Mark Points Mode" from the ribbon toolbar’s Create Tab

        Click this tool on the location to be marked. 

A Marked Point symbol will appear at the location marked.  Each additional click will produce a new Marked Point symbol.  The photograph being marked may be magnified to allow more precise marking.

        Repeat step 2, until all of the points you require on this photograph have been marked.

Note: If the Point Marking tool is clicked on top of or very close to an existing Marked Point symbol, the position "snaps" to that Marked Point and a new point is not created.

Hint: To increase the precision and ease of marking it is a good idea to maximize the size of the Photograph Window and to zoom-in on the point being marked. See Changing the Magnification of a Photograph.

The user should mark each point that is required in the 3D model. For instance if you are modeling the house shown below, the points A through H, at the very least, will be of interest to you. They should be marked on each photograph on which they are visible.

Marking the corners of a house.