Help > Time-based Measurement / Motion Projects > The Motion Project User Interface > Motion Project Reports > Motion Project Cloud/Mesh Report
Motion Project Cloud/Mesh Report

The Cloud/Mesh Report dialog is accessed by selecting " Cloud/Mesh Report" from the Motion Tools ribbon tab (see Motion Workspace).

The Cloud/Mesh report dialog displays a table giving a summary of Cloud/Mesh data from all epochs. The columns in the report are: Epoch Number, Id, # Points, # Triangles, Volume, Volume above XY, Delta Volume, Delta Volume above XY (Delta's show the change compared to the previous epoch.

The columns can be sorted by clicking on the column header.  If you want to view information about all Cloud/Meshes in an epoch, sort the table by epoch number to group rows by epoch.  If you would like to see how a Cloud/Mesh changes between epochs sort by Id.

The report can be printed by pressing the Print button.