Help > Menu/Tool Reference > Mouse Button Reference
Mouse Button Reference

Most mouse devices now have at least two buttons and a scroll wheel (which is usually also a button). PhotoModeler utilizes the left and right buttons and the scroll wheel:





Used for typical windows application interaction and the method of selection of items in photos, tables and 3D Viewers. Can also be used in combination with the keyboard, e.g. Shift+Left Mouse will allow multi-select. See also Selection and Visibility.


In the 3D Viewer the left mouse button rotates the model (with or without Alt pressed, see Preferences - 3D Viewer, Selection and Navigation).


Generally used to bring up context menus in various views, also called right-click menus.


In the 3D Viewer the right mouse button zooms the model (with or without Alt pressed, see Preferences - 3D Viewer, Selection and Navigation).

Scroll Wheel

Scrolling the wheel will zoom the active photo or a 3D Viewer in and out.  Holding down the scroll button pans the photo.


In the 3D Viewer the scroll button pans the model (with or without Alt pressed, see Preferences - 3D Viewer, Selection and Navigation).

Note:  PhotoModeler also supports SpaceExplorer, SpaceNavigator and other 3D navigation devices by 3Dconnexion (see For example, the 3D Viewer can be navigated with a SpaceExplorer/Space Navigator and using 1 button to up the options dialog and the 2 button will change the rotate around selected state.