Help > Building a 3D Model > Creating and Modifying Objects > Object Points > Editing Points > Moving Marked Points
Moving Marked Points

If you are unhappy with the location of a Marked Point you have marked, whether it be a single Marked Point or part of a line, you can move this point instead of re-marking it.

To move a Marked Point with the mouse:

        Click the mouse on the Marked Point symbol.

This Marked Point becomes highlighted in red. 

        Holding the mouse button down, drag the point away from the current location. 

If lines connect this point to other points, temporary lines are drawn to these other points. During movement the Marked Point symbol is hidden and only a Move Cursor along with any attached lines are shown. Move does not active until the cursor has moved three to five pixels from the point. To move a Marked Point a small distance, first drag it away some distance and then drag in back to the desired spot.

        Release the mouse button when the cursor is in the correct location.

PhotoModeler will redraw any lines or surfaces connected to this Marked Point, so that they connect to the new location.