Help > Overview of Producing a 3D Model > Plan the Measurement Project
Plan the Measurement Project

In multiple photo projects each point (and curve, edge, cylinder) that is to be modeled should appear on two or more photos and these photos must meet certain geometrical constraints. For this reason, the positions of the photographs need to be thought out. Refer to the section of the Quick Start Guide called Guide For Taking Photos for some guidelines. When you become more familiar with the technique you will be able to plan the camera positions on the spot.

The camera settings when taking project photos should match the settings of the camera during calibration. Features such as image stabilization, auto-rotation, sharpening etc. should be disabled when taking project or calibration photos.

When planning the photographs, you should also take care to ensure that all the desired points and detail will be captured in the photograph. For example, if you require the overall shape and dimensions of the facade of a building but also require some fine detail on some ornamentation, then you should take some close-up photographs as well. The close-up photographs capture the detail and the overall long distance photographs capture the whole facade.