Help > Glossary > Point ID
Point ID

A unique number identifying each 3D model point in the project. This number stays the same for the life a point.  Point IDs are displayed on the Status Bars when points are selected, are displayed on Photographs and 3D Viewers when they are set to be visible, are shown in the Point Table and the Point Audit Dialog, and are exported with those formats that support text identifiers. Note that when two 3D points are referenced, one 3D point lives and gets all the other 3D point’s marks, while the other 3D point is deleted - this makes some IDs on some point marks change.

Point IDs act a bit differently with Coded Target points. First, for any project with Coded Targets, there is a reserved block of one thousand (1000) IDs for the coded target points. This reserved block can start at 1, 1001, 2001, etc. Second, every Coded Target has a unique code (that number printed on the coded target by the Create Coded Targets Dialog) and there is a direct relationship between the target code and the point ID. If you recognize a point as coded (in a photograph the coded target has a different symbol, in a 3D viewer the id is surrounded by square brackets [ ], in a point table by the Target Code column, and on the status bar by the word (coded)), remove the thousand’s digit to get the code.  For example, a coded target with ID of 2012 is a mark of code #12.