Help > Importing and Using Photographs > Viewing Photographs > Photo Properties > Processing Action
Processing Action

The Processing Action is a powerful Photograph property that allows you to easily remove from or freeze a photograph in the 3D processing (Orientation and Global Optimization).  The three options (which appear when you select the property and a down arrow appears and then clicking the down arrow shows the options) are described here with explanations of when they might be used:


Processing Action

What it does

When to use

Do not use

The photograph and its points will not be oriented and processed. It is as if the photograph was not in the project at all.

Use when you want to experiment with removing a photograph from contributing to model production or to processing. Useful for troubleshooting.


Use and adjust

This is the normal and default setting for processing. The photograph and its points will be oriented and processed.


Use when a photograph has not yet been processed.

Use but no adjust

The photograph and its points contribute to the 3D model but during processing it will not be adjusted (moved or oriented).

Use when you are adding a new photograph to a set of photographs that are well processed and have had a lot of work done on them. Set this attribute on all the solved photos. Also useful for trouble-shooting.


Note: When a Photograph is first imported into a project it is automatically set to "Do not use". This means new photos will not be processed or counted by Audit and other tools. As soon as something is marked (marked point, cylinder, etc.) on a Photograph it is automatically set to "Use and adjust". This allows you to have many unused photos in a project without worrying about how they affect processing and audit etc.  Then as soon as you start to use them (by marking on them) they are automatically included in processing etc. The processing action can still be manually overridden whenever you want by using the radio buttons described above.

Also note that you can adjust the photo processing action on the right click menu in the photo list/thumbnails.