Help > SmartPoints Project > SmartPoints Project Troubleshooting > Processing and/or Feature Detection and/or Matching is taking a long time
Processing and/or Feature Detection and/or Matching is taking a long time

This problem result is project that is taking a long time to process in one or more of the SmartPoints project stages..

There is a large number of photos and some or all of them don’t meet the requirements

This results when a very large number of photos has been used and the number of matched SmartPoints shared between photos is low.  This can happen when there isn’t enough overlap between photos and or the texture is not suitable (see also Few points matched).  Ensure that some SmartPoints are matched across more than 2 photos.

Solution 1: If adding more overlapping photos does not help the overall project, try reducing the project to sections that have suitable overlap and texture.  A sub-optimal project can have a series of photos that are oriented, but without suitable overlapping photos, the oriented series of photos has no ‘tie’ to the other photos.