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SmartMatch Introduction

SmartMatch is a tool that automatically marks and references points on natural features, generating 'SmartPoints', then orients and processes the photos to provide fully automatic project set up and orientation for non-targeted projects.  Also, if the project’s camera is not calibrated, there is a SmartMatch auto-calibration feature that fine tunes the camera based on the SmartMatch solution.

SmartMatch searches out natural feature points in images, matches them between photos, and generates 3d xyz points automatically.  A SmartPoints project is similarly automated, like an Automated Coded Targets Project, except a SmartPoints project does not require targets.  SmartMatch does require that the photos have ‘texture’ so that small/intricate features can be matched between photos.

Once a SmartPoints Project completes, your photos will be oriented and a cloud of SmartPoints will be visible as 2D SmartPoints on photos and 3D SmartPoints in the 3D Viewer.

SmartMatch is a multi-purpose feature: 1) project setup and quick orientation of all photos, 2) low to medium density point clouds for analysis, measurement, and surfacing, and 3) point clouds for approximate surface setup as a precursor to Dense Scanning (DSM, see Dense Surface Modeling / PhotoModeler Premium).