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Processing SmartMatch Settings

Photos to Orient:  Select whether to orient all photos, just unoriented photos, or none at all. This is useful when re-running SmartMatch after adding new photos, or changing settings, or when experimenting with SmartMatch settings.

Auto-calibration:  SmartMatch processing can solve the camera internal parameters along with other 3D data (very similar to Field Calibration). You can select when to run Auto-calibration: ‘Always’ (whether the existing camera is calibrated or not), ‘No’ (never), ‘If uncalibrated’ (only when the existing camera is not calibrated).  A SmartMatch point cloud generated with an uncalibrated camera can sometimes have noticeable curvature or bow - Auto-calibration can help straighten the solution.

Isolated point distance:  This setting controls feature filtering. A larger value will include points further away from the main cluster. For example, this setting can be used to filter out features that were detected in the background or sky of the scene by lowering the point distance.

Weak contrast threshold:  Features with very low ‘contrast’ are determined to be weak and are weighted as weak, and are therefore only used when needed for orientation (e.g., if point counts and/or overlap is low), otherwise they are ignored. Lowering this threshold will allow more features through, increasing point counts, but if points are too weak the overall orientation quality may be compromised.