Help > Working with Measurement Projects > Merging Projects > Project Merge Dialog > Project List
Project List

The first step in merging projects is to inform PhotoModeler which Project files to process. This is done by adding Projects to the Project List using the "Add Project" button. When this button is pressed a file dialog appears so you can pick a .pmr Project file.  When the file dialog is closed, the Project is fully loaded into memory.

Projects can be removed from the list by first selecting them with the mouse and then pressing the "Remove Project" button.

The order of the project merging is important (as described in the Merge Processing section) so the Move Up and Move Down buttons allow you to reorder the Projects.  The Project at the top of the list is the "base" Project and each Project in the list is merged in turn into in as you step down the list.

Below the Project List, is some information about the currently selected project.  There is the full path name of the Project and a count of the number of user-named points in that Project.