Help > Working with Measurement Projects > Creating a New Project > New Project Wizard > Project Wizard: Load Images (Motion Projects)
Project Wizard: Load Images (Motion Projects)

This wizard screen prompts for the images to be used in the project. Pressing the "Select Image Sequence" button will bring up a file section dialog. Since these use video, there will be one image frame per epoch per camera.  The image frames can be either in separate files (one image file (e.g. TIFF or JPE.G. file) per epoch per camera), or combined in one AVI file (one AVI file per camera). See The Motion Project Images section for more information.

When the file dialog appears, choose one image from the sequence or an AVI file. If a single image file is selected the wizard will then search the current directory for the other images in the sequence. If a valid sequence or AVI file can be found you will be prompted to select which camera was used to take the sequence. The camera, sequence name and number of images will then be displayed in the wizard pane. Add all the image sequences you require for the project.