Help > Using the Model > Viewing the 3D model > Tables > Edit Tables Dialog > Properties of a Table Layout
Properties of a Table Layout

The Name section displays the name you provide. As you edit the Name the layouts list at left is immediately updated, unless it is not a unique name. The name of the layout must be unique, so as you type, the name will not be updated in the list if the name is already associated with another table layout of the same type.

The Type of Object to Display section displays the type of table. You first select a table type when you created a new layout.

The Sort by section allows to set up how the table is sorted by default when opened (you can always change the sort once a table is opened, see Interaction with Tables). The drop down list shows all columns in the selected table. Select the heading by which your table will be sorted. Then select whether the sort should be ascending or descending using the controls adjacent to the column heading list.

The Column Order and Visibility section is where you set up which columns to show in the table and their order as they appear from left to right. Move column headings between the visible and hidden lists to show/hide them (you can always change the sort once a table is opened, see Interaction with Tables) using the >>/<</All>>/<<All buttons when a heading is selected, and use the Up/Down buttons to change the order of a selected heading.  The first heading in the list of visible columns appears leftmost in the table.