Help > Programming PhotoModeler - Scripting/DDE Interface > Commands > RotateXYZ


Set the rotate part of the project coordinate transform based on an origin and two axes points.


"RotateXYZ OriginPtId XAxisPtId YaxisPtId ZAxisPtId"


xxxPtId are unique identifier numbers for existing Object Points. One of 'XaxisPtId', 'YaxisPtId', or 'ZaxisPtId' must be zero and the remaining two define the coordinate system being used. For example, "RotateXYZ 12 13 20 0" would set up an XY axis rotation using point 12 as origin, 13 as x axis and 20 and y axis points. Note that if any of the points is not 3D then the command still succeeds but the project will not be rotated until the points both become 3D.


"1" if project was rotated successfully or "0" if not.

Failure returns

- incorrect number of parameters

- ID's do not correspond to existing points


"RotateXYZ 12 13 20 0"

returned "1"  OR

"RotateXYZ 12 13 0 22"

returned "1"