Help > Using the Automated Tools > Automatic Target Marking > Typical Automarking Scenarios
Typical Automarking Scenarios

A typical usage for a single photograph using RAD Targets would be to: a) open the photograph, b) open the Automatic Target Marking Dialog, c) leave most of the default values alone, d) choose the ‘Currently active photo’ option, and f) press the ‘Mark Points’ button.

A typical usage for marking all photos using RAD Targets would be to: a) open the Automatic Target Marking Dialog, b) leave most of the default values alone, c) choose the ‘Photos from set’ option (set All Photos), e) enter/pick a maximum and minimum target diameter, and f) press the ‘Mark Points’ button.

A typical usage for marking photos without RAD targets would be to: a) open the Automatic Target Marking Dialog, b) leave most of the default values alone, c) choose the ‘Photos from set’ option (set All Photos or currently active), e) enter/pick a maximum and minimum target diameter, and f) press the ‘Mark Points’ button.

The Undo Marking button will become available after an automated target marking is complete. Pressing it will remove all marks placed in the most recent automatic marking session.

See also Targets - Do’s and Don’t’s.