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What is DSM Used For?

Dense Surface Modeling is used in any application where a large number of 3D points (a point cloud) is needed.  The surfaces being modeled do need a natural or random texture (or that texture can be applied or projected).  Most applications where a laser scanner works, DSM will work also.

Some example applications are:

        Architecture and Preservation: obtain a dense surface cloud of an old stone wall or structure; capture the detail in a building facade.

        Archeological digs: get a dense cloud of points of stratified dig surfaces; non-contact scans of artifacts.

        Museum / curatorial: non-contact surface scans of bas-reliefs, masks, and some statues.

        Forensics: 3D scans of bite marks; 3d surface scans of tire marks and foot imprints in soil and wet sand.

        Mining, Excavation and Geotechnical: surface models of open pit mine faces, cliffs, exposed rock characteristics; models of slag heaps and stockpiles; volcano monitoring.

        Civil Engineering: models of cuts and fills in road work; models, surfaces and measurements of stockpiles; sand dune surveys for erosion monitoring.

        Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Measurement:  surface shape of manufactured parts (using a projected random pattern); modeling deformation of fabrics and gossamer materials.

        Medicine: 3D scans of skin surface for body morphological measurements; point clouds and surfaces of a child’s back with scoliosis.

        Film and animation: produce highly accurate bump maps of real surfaces; scan sets and objects for modeling

See the PhotoModeler website for example images and data in these application areas.